About the Holodomor

www.faminegenocide.com - Famine Genocide Committee, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Toronto Branch

www.utoronto.ca - Podcast of the Holodomor conference “The Holodomor of 1932-33: A 75th Anniversary Conference on the Ukrainian Famine-Genocide”, University of Toronto’s Munk Centre, November 1, 2007 - About Holodomor

http://memorial.kiev.ua - Chroniclers of Soviet repressions in Ukraine

www.ssu.gov.ua/sbu/SPYSOK - Security Service of Ukraine which publishes archival documents (in Ukrainian)

www.archives.gov.ua- State Archives of Ukraine

www.holodomor33.org.ua- International Charitable Fund “Ukraine 3000” project “Lessons of History – Holodomor 1932-33” (in Ukrainian)

www.ukrainegenocide.org - National Committee to Commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Genocide of 1932-1933

www.holodomoreducation.org - Ucrainica Research Institute

www.garethjones.org - Website dedicated to Welsh journalist Gareth Jones

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